Saturday, February 25, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #129

What I used to be....

What I've become.....

Friday, February 24, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #128

I passed medical school biochemistry in half the time that it is normally taught.

I can't freaking believe it.

This must be how Conrad Stoltz always feels....

Friday, February 17, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #121

Today, I actually asked meaningful questions in class, I remembered applicable stuff from last semester, I swam my best 500 free ever, put together a kick@$$ video for a presentation, and I have memorized all the chemical mediators for an exam coming up on Monday.

Team America, F(*&&#^$*WW YEAH!

"He is saying, 'Kiss me! Kiss me!'"

"That cocky sonufabytch!"

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #119

We just did a differential for syncope. Based on the symptoms, my first idea for the differential ended up being right.

Guess I did learn something in preceptorship...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #118

These last few weeks have been brutal. Exam after exam... after exam... after exam. And, there is no end in sight. I have five exams before spring break in three weeks.


I'm just keeping my eyes on the prize at this point, hunkering down inside myself like I do at the end of a tough race, and giving it a little gas.

Also, see one of my new favorite blogs:


Thursday, February 2, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #106

I have definitely hit the hard part of medical school. Well, at least a part that is hard enough to make me wonder if what I'm doing will really be worth it.

It's kinda like starting out in a 10K race just a bit too fast for the first 1.5 miles. You soon realize that you can't keep pace and slow a bit. Then you realize that you are just a bit too tanked to do well enough that you'll be proud of the result. After all, there isn't much to prove in finishing a 10K race when you run twice that for fun on a weekly basis.

At this point in a race you can either, quit or keep going and enjoy the ride.

Today I'm trying to enjoy the ride.