Sunday, April 22, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #187

My life is the best..... four hour blocks of studying followed by a few hours of riding, running, or swimming like a jack@$$. Then rinse and repeat until it's bed time.

I love me some Conrad Stoltz!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #172

I have been making flashcards of infectious fungi for the last three hours and I'm still not done.

This micro exam is going to be AWESOME.

Friday, April 6, 2012

I love what I'm doing day #171

Holy long time not post Batman.... (Wow that was a douchy intro).

I really have nothing to say today except; I haven't posted recently, school is hard, there are only 4 weeks left of this semester, and I'm ready for summer.

Ok, see you later!

Summasummasummasumma time