And so it begins.
Once upon a time there was a boy who grew up to become a strong and dashingly handsome cop. The hero of our story was sitting in his car one day minding his own business when another person drove into him at 70 MPH. The young cop was hurt badly. Try and try as he might he could not get better. Eventually he had to leave his career and move on to bigger and better things, like being a kept man.
This young cop is me.
This blog is a creative outlet designed to be funny and a bit serious. It is very important to not confuse the latter with the former. If you do, you will be offended.
Take for example this guy..........
Now, I look at this and I see a dude with a scissor holster that matches his belt AND his cell phone holder. I think that's hilarious. Because really what the heck would you NEED that for? Nothing! The only thing I can come up with is that he needs it to trim his mustache. You know, in case one of the hairs goes rogue and starts a mustache revolt of epic proportion the likes of which we haven't see since the great Thomas Selleck debacle of 1989.
See, in reality I understand that this guy is likely an electrician and he just likes to carry his scissors around (Even to Sunday brunch, which also makes me realize he carried these things TO CHURCH. Maybe he needed to strip wires for the Lord? Can I get an Amen??). But to me it is much more fun to look at the situation from the outside and comment on how ridiculous it is. It's all in good fun though. I'll even give my self an old fashioned 1950's fraternity style razzing from time to time. Because, I'm redonkulous and it's funny.
So be offended not ye ol' blogosphere the jousting here is fake like a renaissance fair and all centaurs impersonators are welcome.
This is going to be redonkulous!